
Date Version Notes

1. Introduction


RIVAL is a robotics competition. Join the community on discord using this invitation link.


DOOMSDAY is the game for RIVAL season 2. To register a team, visit

About the game manual

This document contains the official regulations and will be updated periodically. For rules clarifications, create a post in the RIVAL discord Q&A.

2. The Game

2.1 At a Glance

DOOMSDAY is played on a 12 x 12 ft (3.65 x 3.65 m) field between two alliances, red and blue. Each alliance consists of two ****teams, each with ****one robot.

Robots score damage points by landing missiles onto the opponent’s Infrastructure. **There are a total of 95 Missiles on the field— 84 normal Missiles and 7 Bonus Missiles and 4 Preload Missiles. Bonus Missiles are worth 2x points.